About Department(ECE):-
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is offering technology oriented courses and creating manpower in the strategic areas well compatible with the industrial expectations. The main aim of the department is to mould tomorrow’s technocrats by imbibing the essence of human values for innovation and creativity in science and technology towards building a peaceful self-sustaining Nation. Further, to set standards in teaching and learning incessantly for making a bright career path for the students and to establish state-of-the-art center for excellence in research.
The department envisages the wide spectrum of areas including, Electronics circuits & Communication Technology, Instrumentation and other applied areas focusing towards making brighter career path. The department has been strengthened by its reputed faculty members from recognized Universities and organizations. Students are given broad opportunities for relevant skill development apart from regular academics in order to make them competitive and industry ready.
Laboratory Facilities
Analog Electronics Lab:-
The electronics laboratory has all necessary facilities for conducting experiments of basic electronics,Advance electronics,Power electronics by the students with different training kits and general purpose equipments and measurement setups such as CRO,Function generator and the likes.
Communication Lab:-
The laboratory provides general purpose and some specialized facilities for conducting experiments related to course work, mini projects and major projects in the areas of Digital Communication and Analog Communication Systems. The equipments available are analog and digital oscilloscopes, multi-output power supplies, function generators, pulse generators, fiber optics projects trainer, DS-CDMA trainer, signal processing starter kits, modular Digital Communication experimental unit ,Microwave Bench, GSM trainer and the likes.
Digital Electronics Lab:-
Digital Electronics Laboratory is fully equipped with the required instruments such as C.R.O., Multimeters, signal Generator etc. to conduct experiments with digital ICs for diploma students. The details of the various instruments are as follows :
Dual Trace Triggering Oscilloscope.
Function Generator:-
1MHz & 3 MHz Digital function generator
Digital Multimeter:-
Micro-controller based design.
True RMS measurement.
Diode testing.
Auto, manual ranging.
20A current range.
Electronic protection against wrong connection.
Precision decade dividing for sensing.
Digital Trainer Kit:-
TTL/CMOS compatible logic level input.
TTL or CMOS logic selectable by a toggle switch.
Logic HIGH and logic LOW displayed by dual colour LED.
Four crystal generated clock output of 1MHz,100 Hz,10 Hz and 1 Hz.
Logic probe to check logic LOW, logic HIGH or pulse.
Four 7-segment display with BCD inputs.
Facility of segment control on two displays.
The system requires +5V and CMOS supply for its operation.
8085 Microprocessor Trainer Kit
8086 Microprocessor Trainer Kit
Microcontroller Trainer Kit
Instrumentation Lab:-
The Instrumentation and Control has well equipped laboratories, such as Sensors and Transducers Laboratory, Process Instrumentation, Electronics Instrumentation, Signal Processing and calibration Laboratory.
LDR/Photo Diode /Photo transistor trainer module.
Displacement Measurement Using LVDT.
Transfer Characteristics of Thermo Couple (T/C)
Pressure Module.
RTD Module.
Speed Measurement Using Photo Electric& Magnetic Pickup.
Temperature Measurement System Using Thermister (INSVT).
Level Process controller. etc
Mechanics of Structure Lab:-
Universal testing machine.
Torsion testing machine.
Brinell Hardness testing machine.
Hardness testing of water .
Impact testing by Izod and charpy method .
Engineering Mechanics Lab:-
Screw Ja.
ck apparatus.
Worm and worm wheel apparatus.
Model of simp.
supported beam.
Model to verify the Lami theorem.
Model to verify Law of polygon forces.
Jib and Jib crane apparatus.
Everything is good. their teaching staff, their infrastructure and all.